About (EN)
Versione del 12 ago 2016 alle 13:36 di Malavolti@garr.it (discussione | contributi) (Ha protetto "About (EN)" ([Modifica=Consentito solo agli amministratori] (infinito) [Spostamento=Consentito solo agli amministratori] (infinito)))
This is the new Wiki of the Italian Federation IDEM GARR AAI
This Wiki allows to all IDEM Community users to access on its contents by their federated identity.
The Wiki contains:
- Documents of Adhesion
- Installation and Configuration Guide for IdP and SP
- IDEM Events Materials
This Wiki is based on MediaWiki technology and it is connected to the official istance of Grouper provided by IDEM GARR AAI. This choice allows to manage, in a more ordered and practice way, the groups management and, hence, the privileges of the users authenticated.
If you need help, you can contact: idem-staff@garr.it
Have a nice surfing! The IDEM Staff