Differenze tra le versioni di "InfoAdesionePartnerInglese"

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Riga 1: Riga 1:
=== Risposta per un Ente non GARR che vuole registrare un Sp ===
Dear ...,
Dear ...,
Riga 9: Riga 10:
For a Partner, joining the Federation takes place through:
For a Partner, joining the Federation takes place through:
* the sending of the Application Form
* the registration of a Service Provider (this includes the sending of the appropriate document and the insertion of metadata in the test federation)
*the registration of a Service Provider (this includes the sending of the appropriate document and the insertion of metadata in the test federation)
To enter the metadata in the Test Federation, refer to the instructions available at: [[RegistraEntita#SP_registration]]
To enter the metadata in the Test Federation, refer to the instructions available at: [[RegistraEntita#SP_registration]]
Riga 19: Riga 22:
Best regards
Best regards
===Risposta per un Ente non GARR che vuole registrare un idp===
===Risposta per un Ente non GARR che vuole registrare un Idp===
Dear XYZ,
Dear XYZ,

Versione delle 10:24, 3 mag 2022

Risposta per un Ente non GARR che vuole registrare un Sp

Dear ...,

We are pleased to hear of your interest in the IDEM Federation.

The official website of the Federation is www.idem.garr.it

To join, please refer to our instructions page at: ProcedureAdesione

For a Partner, joining the Federation takes place through:

  • the sending of the Application Form
  • the registration of a Service Provider (this includes the sending of the appropriate document and the insertion of metadata in the test federation)

To enter the metadata in the Test Federation, refer to the instructions available at: RegistraEntita#SP_registration

We remain at your disposal in case of further clarifications

Best regards

Risposta per un Ente non GARR che vuole registrare un Idp

Dear XYZ,

many thanks for your request. Unfortunately <Nome dell'Ente> does not meet the base requirement to be connected to the GARR network in order to join the IDEM Federation as a Member and thus register its own IdP in the Federation. Participation for organizations not connected to the GARR network is available as Partner that can register their services.

Best regards